Sapir Segal, Author at Powtoon Blog Make Awesome Videos and Presentations Tue, 01 Aug 2023 08:11:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sapir Segal, Author at Powtoon Blog 32 32 5 Ways to Keep Your Videos On-Brand Thu, 02 Dec 2021 14:00:00 +0000 With the great resignation of 2021, employers are struggling to retain talent and engage employees in a meaningful way. And it turns out, the secret to standing out and to connecting on an emotional level both internally and externally–is branding....

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Read Time: 4 minutes

With the great resignation of 2021, employers are struggling to retain talent and engage employees in a meaningful way. And it turns out, the secret to standing out and to connecting on an emotional level both internally and externally–is branding.

Why Brand Your Videos? 

In a recent Social Sprout survey that asked what made a brand stand out, 40% said it was due to memorable content, 33% said distinct personality, and 32% said compelling storytelling. Recent surveys also show that establishing a consistent internal brand has a positive impact on brand identification among employees, which improves overall staff retention rates. Additionally, research suggests that internal branding both improves job satisfaction and staff loyalty. Kind of the holy grail for brands in 2021, right? 

While 95% of organizations have branding guidelines, just 25% enforce these guidelines, which means 60% of organizations create internal and external marketing materials that are inconsistent with brand best practices. 

So how can you make sure your brand is aligned both internally and externally? The answer, quite simply, is video. Internally, 48% of all employees consider video the most engaging form of communication, according to a TechSmith survey.

Empowering your teams to create engaging videos that align with your branding consistently, no matter whether they’re meant for marketing, HR, or training, shouldn’t be hard. Here are 5 easy ways you can keep your videos on-brand, always:

1. Easy-to-Access Brand Book

Make sure every potential video creator on your team has access to your company’s brand book. Want to make this even more intuitive? Use a video creation tool like Powtoon that allows you to pre-define your brand logos, colors, and fonts. Create a template with a slide that has all of your brand guidelines. Include visual examples like the one below.

2. Lock Branded Elements in Place

Think about the last time you sat through an hour-long presentation only to see the logo appearing in the top left corner of some slides, on the bottom right corner of others, and then completely missing from some slides? Not the most professional look – and completely avoidable. 

Create video templates your team can easily use and include branded elements like your logos. To make sure videos are always looking consistent, lock certain objects in place. 

3. Introduce Branded Characters

Humanize your videos with characters. This is a great way to build an emotional connection and instant engagement while showing your playful side. In 2022 (and beyond),  promoting diversity and inclusion among your team and clients is more important than ever. Characters give us, content creators, an opportunity to deliver brand consistency and inclusivity. Customizing your characters with branded clothing is easy and will make a difference.

With Powtoon’s Character Building feature, your team can quickly customize video characters to match… well, whoever you’d like them to! That means fine-tuning skin tone, face shape, hairstyle, clothes, height, accessories, and more.

4. Brand Tone and Voice

The tone and the voice of your brand are the building blocks of how people experience you. In many cases, the teams most familiar with the brand’s tone and voice guidelines are the brand marketing, PR ,communication teams. But that leaves out the rest of your most important brand ambassadors – your entire organization. 

Make sure to communicate your brand’s values, style, and rhythm so every video created reflects this. For example, this fun change management video by Sage reflects the team’s humor and easy-going vibe using characters to animate a conversation. 

The best way to do this is to create video templates that your employees can intuitively customize. Want to go the extra mile? Include a slide with some short and sweet recommendations about video length, language, and tone of voice, etc.

5. Consistency, consistency, consistency

In today’s day and age, it’s close to impossible to review each and every piece of content created – at least when you’re going for scale. That’s why ensuring your brand guidelines are transparent to all content creators (even those sitting in the HR and L&D departments) is nothing less than crucial. Providing them with video creation tools that include templates, characters, and recommendations can make the impossible possible and help you reap the benefits of a consistent and fabulous brand.

Empower your team to create on-brand videos

In the last 2 years, team leaders across the board have recognized the need to empower employees to become video creators. And many HR, Internal Communications, and L&D teams have met this challenge head-on and started creating amazing content. 

When it comes to scaling, you want to make sure your in-house creators have the tools they need to produce effective video content that aligns with your brand guidelines. Explore Powtoon’s all-new brand controls for protecting your brand’s look and feel in every video. 

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Video Recruitment: How to Stand Out in a Hiring Crisis Wed, 13 Oct 2021 17:23:26 +0000 Are you a hiring manager struggling to attract talented team members to fill roles at your company? If so, you’re not alone. Many organizations across various niches and industries are struggling to stand out in the current hiring crisis. Clearly,...

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Read Time: 4 minutes

Are you a hiring manager struggling to attract talented team members to fill roles at your company? If so, you’re not alone. Many organizations across various niches and industries are struggling to stand out in the current hiring crisis.

Clearly, you need to adopt new recruitment methods if your current ones are no longer delivering results. For example, if you haven’t done so already, now may be an ideal time to produce and share a recruitment video. This approach may be key to making the right impression on the right new employee.

Important Information About the Current Hiring Crisis

Several factors are contributing to the hiring crisis. They include:

  • The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted labor markets and caused many workers to leave the workforce or seek remote work opportunities.
  • Supply chain disruptions are affecting industries such as manufacturing and transportation.
  • Ongoing demographic shifts in the workforce. As older workers retire, there are fewer younger workers available to take their place, particularly in industries such as manufacturing and construction.
  • Lack of necessary skills and education among the available workforce. Many employers are looking for workers with specific technical skills or training, but are having trouble finding candidates who meet these requirements.

None of this is meant to suggest that it’s impossible to attract skilled workers to your company. It’s instead meant to highlight the importance of leveraging unique recruitment tactics to stand out to potential candidates.

One of the simplest but most effective steps you can take is to create a recruitment video when seeking someone to fill a role.

What is a Recruiting Video?

A recruitment video is a short video that an organization creates to promote job opportunities and attract potential candidates to apply. The video is typically used as part of the organization’s recruitment efforts and may be shared on the organization’s website, social media platforms (such as Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.), or other online channels.

A recruiting video often features current employees discussing what it’s like to work for the organization, the benefits of working for the company, and what kind of roles are available. The videos may also include footage of the work environment and the organization’s products or services.

The goal of a recruiting video is to provide potential candidates with a glimpse into what it’s like to work for the organization and to encourage them to apply for open positions. By showcasing the organization’s culture, values, and benefits, the video can help attract candidates who are a good fit for the organization and who are excited about the opportunity to work there.

To ensure your hiring video serves its intended purpose effectively, keep the following tips in mind:

Use Your Recruitment Video to Show a Viewer Why They Would Want to Work at Your Company

Recruitment videos should highlight all the attractive qualities of your company. A recruitment video can achieve this goal by focusing on employee testimonials, team activities, and any other benefits offered. You can also show off some behind-the-scenes footage of day-to-day operations so potential candidates can get an idea of what they’re signing up for. 

If you’re wondering what to who or what to say in a recruitment video, keep in mind that showcasing your company culture is often a wise strategy. Research shows that strong company culture is directly tied to high levels of engagement. Recruiting videos can thus generate engagement with new talent from the start by demonstrating to candidates that your company culture is one that may appeal to them.

Think of a Recruitment Video As if it’s a Piece of Marketing Content

If you’re having trouble figuring out how to make a recruitment video that helps your company appeal to strong talent, consider the possibility that you may be overthinking the issue to an extent. Sometimes, the best approach a recruiter can take when generating video content is to adopt the perspective of a marketer.

Again, your hiring video should offer your company the chance to show potential employees why taking on a job with your team would provide them with experiences they couldn’t have elsewhere. That means your recruitment video should embody your brand in much the same way a video ad that you might post to YouTube would. 

The following are just a few basic ways to plan a hiring video that “markets” your company to new hires:

  • Study basic color theory and choose a color scheme that represents your branded identity and elicits a desired reaction in a viewer.
  • Showcase company events that reflect what differentiates your company from others in your niche.
  • Use elements like music, animation, and more to convey a mood or tone.

Share Important Information About the Recruiting and Hiring Processes

To some extent, your recruitment video should essentially be a highlight video that demonstrates what makes your organization’s culture unique. That said, it’s also vital that your hiring video provides job candidates with certain practical information about the interview and hiring processes.

Use this opportunity to explain how to apply and what the timeline looks like. This will help candidates make an informed decision about whether they should take that next step and pursue a job at your organization. 

How Long Should a Recruiting Video Be?

A recruitment video shouldn’t necessarily be a short clip that isn’t long enough to provide a viewer with valuable insights into the perks of working for your company. However, you do need to account for viewer habits and general behaviors when determining how long a recruiting video should be to achieve its goals without losing the interest of a prospective employee.

One study of more than 450 recruitment videos on YouTube and Vimeo indicates the average length of time someone spends watching a hiring video is one minute and thirty-six seconds.  As such, experts suggest a recruiter should strive to create a video that’s no longer than three minutes.

How to Make a Recruitment Video: Powtoon Simplifies the Process

Recruiting new employees with video content should play a key role in your hiring and recruitment strategy regardless of your industry.  Luckily, creating this type of content is easy, even if you don’t have a substantial video production budget or much video production experience to speak of.

From video templates to animation tools, Powtoon offers no shortage of resources to help you easily and affordably create a recruitment video that ensures your company shines. Learn more about how Powtoon can help you attract talent with a company highlight video by signing up today!

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6 YouTube Best Practices to Uplift your Learning Content Fri, 13 Aug 2021 16:00:00 +0000 By this point, it’s clear that Millennials and Gen Z workers are the future and face of the workforce. In fact, Jamie Gutfreund, Chief Strategy Officer for the Intelligence Group, notes 86 million millennials will be in the workplace by...

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Read Time: 4 minutes

By this point, it’s clear that Millennials and Gen Z workers are the future and face of the workforce. In fact, Jamie Gutfreund, Chief Strategy Officer for the Intelligence Group, notes 86 million millennials will be in the workplace by 2020—representing a full 40% of the total working population, with Gen Z representing 25% of the global workforce. 

As generations born from and into the new millennium, the emergence of these two groups (alongside advancements and changes in technology) has transformed both society and subsequently, the workplace – pushing it into the “digital future” and aligning it with the way in which they’ve grown to interact, engage, learn, and now, work. We see their influence in digital transformations across industries and departments, and as they are becoming more prominent in the workplace – we see how their preferred styles of learning are affecting L&D. 

Think about how you learn in your private life. Be it casually browsing DIY videos on TikTok, looking up cooking videos on YouTube, or checking out new hobbies on SkillShare — each of these channels is how your younger employees are actively learning and developing their own skills. Most importantly, this is how they’ve become accustomed to learning and development, via on-demand, interactive video content.  

And therefore, we should integrate this style of L&D into the workforce just as we did with our digital transformations. If we are to keep the future and face of the workforce engaged, connected, and informed, we must match the learning style of our Millennial and Gen Z workers. Not only for the sake of morale but for the sake of retention and overall success. Below, you will find 6 ways you can create uplifting learning content that will resonate with your employees. 

1. Use video to appeal to learners 

Since 65% of your employees are visual learners, video learning is the natural way to go. And it’s not as difficult as one may think! Video creation tools such as Powtoon provide you the means to implement visual communication into your L&D strategy with ease. 

Use customizable templates to easily create engaging learning content that brings across bite-sized messages that automatically result in longer retention. Don’t forget to add captions or on-screen text to your videos! Captions will make your visual content accessible for the deaf and hard hearing, making sure it is truly inclusive. Furthermore, captions are known to help viewers better focus on the material being presented, further solidifying information into their minds.  

2. Reimagine existing content 

You don’t always have to start from scratch! Instead, take your existing learning material and spice it up a little. This will save you time and is a great way to get started using a new content creation platform.  With Powtoon’s PowerPoint integration, you can easily turn an old PowerPoint presentation into a more engaging learning experience, organic to your audience. 

3. Keep it up to date

The world is constantly changing. New rules, guidelines, applications, technology are being swapped as we speak, so it’s crucial to stay ahead of the game! And there’s nothing worse than outdated content. If your audience isn’t engaged, don’t expect them to stay tuned in. 

Yet, on the same token, having to constantly create new content is simply exhausting. Understandably, it can be extremely time-consuming and, frankly, unproductive. However, using customizable templates in your video content platform can give you the ability to quickly edit, update and recreate any existing content. This also gives you the means to streamline your content creation process and strategy!

4. Localization is key 

Considering only 20% of the world’s population speaks English you’ve got to create inclusive content, especially when you’re working with international teams. When you provide your audience L&D content in their native language, you are also providing your employees the means to better retain the information that is being presented to them. 

Simply put, when you offer your video content in several languages, you widen your reach, giving you more means to capture and engage with a large audience. So be inclusive!

5. Use diverse & inclusive characters 

Speaking of inclusivity, when creating video content, if you use characters in your video, use characters that reflect your audience. 

The minority working-age demographic of the workforce is predicted to increase to 37% of the U.S. population, and so, incorporating diversity and inclusion into your learning is VITAL. With Powtoon’s character builder, you can easily customize characters for your training videos to match your employees – body size, height, skin color, religion, and so on.   

This is a way, however small, to reassure your employees that they are understood and heard, something that they already desire. Also, by helping your learners feel more connected to the content, it too can increase engagement! 

6. Collaboration is key

Millennials and Gen Z alike prefer collaborative, social learning and so, this should extend to your video content creation system. And so,  collaborate with your employees to both make and come up with content. 

Not only does this give you valuable key insights for video content creation, but it also allows them to feel valued and involved, something they too are seeking in the workforce. Your employees are your biggest assets, tap into their genius and ask them to share their knowledge with you and others!

Creating video learning content is easy with the right toolkit

With Gen Z coming to age, boomers retiring, millennials in the workplace, and technology ever-evolving, the workforce will never be the same. As training managers, you’ve got to modify your teaching strategies and course delivery methods to rein in the potential and the learning styles of millennials and Gen Z alike. 

And with the right toolkit, this is only a download away. With tutorials, blogs, and experts available, getting started with our Powtoon is simple! Go ahead and get ahead of your game and request your Powtoon demo today

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How to Start a Peer to Peer Learning Program Using Video Thu, 12 Aug 2021 16:30:00 +0000 In 2020, we came to realize that traditional digital teaching methods no longer suffice, and ignoring this notion comes at the cost of increased turnover— with 40% of employees leaving their company within the first year due to poor training. ...

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Read Time: 5 minutes

In 2020, we came to realize that traditional digital teaching methods no longer suffice, and ignoring this notion comes at the cost of increased turnover— with 40% of employees leaving their company within the first year due to poor training. 

However, there is a massive desire from Millenials and Gen Z workers alike for more development opportunities both in and out of the workforce. In fact, the 2021 Learner Survey by Kallidus shows us that 61% of workers are practicing self-led learning and are seeking out additional courses to learn new skills, 65% of which are 18 to 35 year-olds actively pursuing their own development. 

Wait, so what does this even mean?

Well, most of us are learning new skills on a daily basis, yet on a more personable, interactive level via YouTube, social media, self-directed online classes, or simply through other employees at work. While we’re in the digital age, we’re also in the age of interaction and collaboration. And as a result, the traditional “trainer-to-learner” approach in teaching has become a bit dated, long-winded, and, at times, discouraging. 

With that in mind, we’re here to help you leverage these findings and implement them into your L&D strategy. In this brief guide, we detail all the steps you need to foster a work environment and culture centered around peer-to-peer learning so that you can provide your team with the learning approach they are already seeking. 

1. Define your peer to peer learning goals 

Before getting started, make sure to set out and define your peer-to-peer learning goals for each particular outcome you’re seeking. 

  • Are you seeking onboarding success?
  • Are you wanting to drive employee engagement, retention, or growth?
  • Are you trying to reduce turnover? 

Defining the goals for each action item will allow you to develop a plan and define the key performance indicators (KPIs) that will then enable you to effectively measure your program’s success. 

2. Start small

If you’re working at a large enterprise, kicking off with a pilot program is always the key to success. Carefully choose your initial employees or “buddies” who will spearhead this program. 

To ensure maximum success, perhaps start with your “social enthusiasts” or the younger employees as these groups of individuals tend to be more inclined to experiment with new ideas and will be happy for the opportunity to shine. Moreover, they’ll likely appreciate this new L&D approach as they’ll see its value. In turn, they’ll be all the more enthused to set a new standard in the workforce moving forward.  

3. Provide the right tool kit

YouTube, TikTok, Instagram reels, and SkillShare– what do these regularly used content consumption and learning platforms have in common with respect to Millenials and most notably Gen Z? Video. And not just any video, video made for and consumed by peers, and vice versa. 

Gen Z,  the new wave of “digital natives” in your workplace, now form 25% of the global workforce. These workers are more likely to thrive with video content and technology, so your learning tools need to align with this online generation. 

As an L&D leader, you need to provide your employees with the tools that most closely resemble what they’re most familiar with and already enjoy engaging with to get them on board. Video intrinsically encourages these two generations to broadcast their knowledge to their peers in a way that will engage them while creating the content and engage their peers while learning – a double engagement win!

4. Train employees on storytelling 

Consider providing your employees with both storytelling and video storytelling training prior to participating in the peer-to-peer learning program. Use basic tips on how to visualize their message and later break it down into clear bullet points steps. 

Undergoing this training will not only considerably upgrade the results and your peer-to-peer learning materials— but will also empower employees in their everyday work and strengthen their sense of engagement and commitment.

5. Plan your peer-to-peer matches

Creating the right match among employees is one of the most important elements of successful learning programs. You may want to partner older employees with younger employees in the same job function or department. 

The younger workers will benefit from the more experienced employees’ experience, while they in turn will benefit from learning about the latest developments and innovations. Other matches to consider: people who fill similar roles in different locations, verticals or departments. Middle managers with people who’ve made the jump to leadership. Employees who share a stage in their personal lives (new parents, for example). 

Be creative! There’s so much your employees can learn from each other even beyond their specific title. 

6. Create a collaborative onboarding process 

Have employees start to create content and deliver it to newcomers for a smooth onboarding experience. Examples could include:

  • dos and donts of (insert subject),
  • COVID guidelines,
  • company guidelines, 
  • IT tech rules and platform onboarding,
  • customer experiences, 

Let employees recommend learning materials as they know firsthand their jobs, needs, and pain points. This fosters an environment of collaboration and, in turn, improves their ranking and connections with their colleagues. 

7. Tap into employee expertise 

Allow the newcomers to introduce themselves and share their expertise via video content they create themselves. Every person in a company has deep expertise in their own set of specific subjects and immediately fosters a culture of peer-to-peer guidance and encourages collaboration. Unlock their skills and allow the entire company to benefit.

8. Promote employee-led courses

As peers become subject-matter experts, let employees teach employees. Collaborative Learning is linked to greater employee engagement and enhanced communication and team-building capabilities. 

Employees are more motivated to complete courses when they know their peers are counting on them. Helping colleagues learn builds a layer of responsibility and camaraderie as colleagues work together to conquer business challenges. 

9. Gather feedback

And as always, gather feedback from employees. Ask them how satisfied they are with the peer-to-peer learning experience, what they would change, which creation tools they need to thrive, and so on. The only way to better enhance an experience is through gathering input from the ones experiencing it.   

10. Demonstrate the value to other employees 

After you and your pilot employees have gone through this entire process, gathered feedback, and proposed further solutions (if applicable), put everything on the table and present these findings to the employees who didn’t participate in this program. 

And most importantly, emphasize the advantages of peer-to-peer learning as more people will want to take part when they come to understand the value of this learning approach.   

Give your people what they want!

The ability to engage and inspire employees regardless of their role, age, workplace setting, and learning style is fundamentally challenging, however, this can be remedied through collaborative and encouraging peer-to-peer learning. 

Video is naturally the ideal tool to foster a working environment centered around peer-to-peer learning as it is the preferred method of online learning and content consumption. And with Powtoon, getting started creating peer-to-peer learning video content is simple. Our platform is designed with accessibility and ease of use in mind— providing you with the complete tool kit you need to get started.  

2021 is the year to invest in efficient learning and development methods, for the sake of your employees, and your company. Give your people what they’re actively seeking and request your demo today.

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Using Microsoft Teams? 5 Ways Video Can Enhance Your Team Communication Wed, 11 Aug 2021 17:32:00 +0000 Your online office has become a bit…much. You and your team members alike have found yourselves less engaged, experiencing platform fatigue and decreased productivity. It’s only natural. With the endless threads and lack of human conversation, it’s only a matter...

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Read Time: 4 minutes

Your online office has become a bit…much. You and your team members alike have found yourselves less engaged, experiencing platform fatigue and decreased productivity. It’s only natural. With the endless threads and lack of human conversation, it’s only a matter of time until this fatigue, depersonalization, and distraction bleed into your performance.  

As a team manager, how do you make the “office” less distracting and more engaging? How do you reduce the platform fatigue to a minimum while dialing up the feeling of real, human, conversation rather than endless threads? And how do you increase productivity and drive growth across verticals and applications? We happen to have an answer. It’s video.

Visual content engages employees, increases productivity, encourages communication, and overall decreases stress across teams. Moreover, employees have a profound desire for visual content to be utilized in the workplace, with 79% of employees affirming such an idea. 

This week, Microsoft Teams is launching the creation category on their marketplace, with Powtoon as the pioneering, inaugural video creation tool. We thought this would be great timing to take a look at organizational needs spanning from training and onboarding to scaling knowledge sharing. Below details the five ways video can help you step up your game and deliver results as a team manager.

Train and onboard effectively 

Training and onboarding new team members remotely has proved to be a challenge across all industries. Without in-person human interaction and limited communication, traditional training and onboarding methods are no longer applicable. This has posed issues to new employees (and their trainer).

However, video, particularly proactive video content can replace traditional training and onboarding. On-demand training videos accompanied with live virtual training sessions give the new trainees both content firsthand, and the ability to ask questions to their trainees. Empowering them to start and continue a dialogue with their peers and team managers as they would in person.     

Engage a global workforce 

Engaging a global workforce is difficult. It’s something that cannot be fully achieved through threads or meetings as those two platforms have their unique place and function for remote teams. 

Thankfully, video can engage your global workforce. Through live virtual events, highlight reels, and video newsletters (just to name a few), you can provide value and engage departments and their teams. This is how you can communicate internally, reinforce and build your company culture, and of course, keep your team engaged.   

Optimize collaboration & feedback loops 

You’ve possibly seen firsthand how endless threads and emails have convoluted your team’s overall communication, slowing down the workflow and causes needless mishaps in the process. 

This is only natural. Operating solely via text and the occasional team meeting is simply not an effective way to collaborate efficiently. It increases the feedback loop, can become a stressor to team members, and simply doesn’t foster a community of collaboration. 

Video can be the ideal tool to bridge this collaborative and communicative gap — when implemented effectively

Create a strategy that details the team’s objectives and goals when using video to promote collaboration. Make sure that each of which is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound, decreasing the feedback loop in return. 

Scale knowledge sharing 

Knowledge sharing is vital for all teams whether remote, part remote, or fully back in the office. Not only is it a core feature of a company’s culture (relevant to remote, hybrid, or in-person companies), but it also encourages and accelerates employee growth and productivity. 

Live virtual events and team collaboration via video can assist in the effort to scale knowledge sharing. Both of these will naturally encourage knowledge-sharing, becoming a part of your company’s culture almost innately. As team members are given the means for more personable communication, the sharing and scaling of knowledge will follow suit.  

Rise above the noise 

As noted throughout the article, you and your team members have become quite familiar with the noise that comes from working as a cross-functional remote team. This noise slows down the workflow, poses a major distraction, and hinders productivity. 

Rise above these noisy, at times, needless threads, by incorporating video in your daily workflow. Sending pre-recorded videos of your shared screen that detail the week/day/project’s tasks along with a recorded live video for team members to engage in an open discussion would do wonders for yourself and team members alike. 

This eliminates the back-and-forth on threads as team members can refer back to both videos, and later take it among themselves to further the discussion within their own channels if need be. This cuts down the noise, increases collaboration, decreases the feedback loop, and scales knowledge sharing simultaneously.

Wrap up: deliver results as a team leader with video

Video is a powerful communication tool for the digital workforce— and internal communication platforms have taken this notion into account, expanding their platform’s capabilities to incorporate video integrations into their software. 

Understanding that all-in-one video solutions are key integrations for your team’s online workplace, Microsoft Teams’ latest collaboration with Powtoon gives you the means to reimagine your team’s training, communication, collaboration, and therefore, overall success. 

Microsoft Teams’ Powtoon integration allows you to easily create, edit, and collaborate on videos in one seamless workspace. And with a library complete with customizable features and templates, getting started with Powtoon is fairly simple, regardless of your knowledge, creativity, or expertise in video content creation. 

Remote and hybrid work doesn’t have to be convoluted, overwhelming, or depersonalized. It can be engaging, streamlined, and human. Reclaim control of you and your team’s virtual communication and workflow by leveraging the tools available to you. Because that is how you will lead your team to professional success and fulfillment. 

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10 Brilliant L&D Video Examples (And Why They Work) Tue, 10 Aug 2021 15:35:00 +0000 As a learning and development professional, your role is vital in the workforce. You are a trainer, motivator, and strategist — and as someone taking on these roles at a corporate level, you face the daily challenge these titles entail...

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Read Time: 7 minutes

As a learning and development professional, your role is vital in the workforce. You are a trainer, motivator, and strategist — and as someone taking on these roles at a corporate level, you face the daily challenge these titles entail in L&D. 

Increasing engagement amongst your people while delivering them content that is informative, relevant, and constructive is no easy feat. You need both the tools and strategy in order to effectively create content for your audience. 

This is exactly why we wanted to bring you some insight as to how you can use video to reimagine your L&D strategy and better engage your peers. 

But first, what makes a good L&D video? 

Video is a powerful tool to incorporate into your training strategy as its very essence is engaging. It’s also the medium your audience (Millennials and Gen Z) happen to be most familiar with and engage with on a day-to-day or even hourly basis thanks to social media platforms such as TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram. 

Yet, we’re all too familiar with coming across muddied, dull, or confusing content online or at the workplace. Here are a few tips for creating videos that truly resonate and engage. 

  • Center your content behind a goal or goals
  • Plan out your content before filming 
  • Write a script to ensure you stay on course with your plan and goal
  • Begin with a strong opening and close with a call to action in the conclusion
  • Use visual and design elements, such as custom characters, on-screen text, or text popups to engage the viewer 
  • Have a narrator (on camera, voiceover, or text) to move the story along 
  • Keep your audience in mind by remaining short, concise 
  • Make sure your content is accessible on every device, especially mobile devices

Following these tips should guarantee you a successful L&D video. To give you some more insight, we’ve listed 10 wonderful examples of L&D videos that hit the target!  

Great L&D video examples & why

01 Foot Locker – Leadership Training 

We begin with Foot Locker’s “Leadership Training” video. Foot Locker wanted to teach leadership positions how to effectively coach members of their store’s team. In this video, they applied the pillars of telling, showing, and doing. To reflect the diversity of their team and make sure everyone feels like they belong, Foot Locker used diverse characters. They also made sure to keep consistent branding throughout.  

Foot Locker excites, motivates, engages, and informs leadership team members, the results ring clear in the company’s overall success. Using these bite-sized videos, the team was able to train 35,000 employees in 27 regions. Click here to view the full success story here.

What makes this video effective:

  • Has a clear storyline throughout video  
  • Showcases the Foot Locker brand through the characters 
  • Uses a mix of narrators to bring the story to life 

02 TIBCO – Avoiding Zoom Fatigue 

TIBCO used the power of video to discuss – and defeat – a side effect of constant video conferencing, Zoom fatigue. They’ve done a wonderful job at describing this— using real-life scenarios to describe what it is, its emotional, physical, and social symptoms as well as proposing particular solutions to assist in lowering the fatigue that employees are all too familiar with. 

Throughout the video, you truly become immersed in the story and remain so due to the choice of visuals, audio, and voiceover that accompany the overall narrative.  With an affinity for telling stories visually, it’s no wonder the company has trained over 1,000 employees on remote work through video. Click here to view the full success story. 

What makes this video effective:

  • Has a relevant and empathic message
  • Uses diverse characters and settings that reflect the audience  
  • Narrative is consistent with a clear beginning, middle and end    

03 Amazon – 14 Leadership Principles

Amazon managed to pack no less than 14 leadership principles into this 2-minute video educating employees on the company’s values. While the very same topics would seem heavy in a different setting, Amazon uses lively music and fun animation to provide guidance while eliciting excitement. 

The diverse characters once again help everyone feel reflected in this video, and the characters’ branded apparel makes the video stand out. Thanks to these elements, Amazon managed to craft a stellar video with a resounding message to their employees, empowering them in the process. 

What makes this video effective:

  • Combines lively music with animation
  • Diverse characters reflect audience
  • Branding is consistent and strong throughout video  

04 Boston University – Motivations for Work

Boston University Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation has managed to transform 80 to 120 documents into 28 videos. These videos are used as clinical research tools for the purpose of sensitizing the material and individuals. And the results show that they have achieved their initiatives, receiving extremely positive feedback from clients and clinicians alike. 

In the video example, “Motivations for Work”, we are given Jen’s story. By using custom characters, voiceovers, and additional visual elements, we are presented with a narrative that feels both human and relatable. This, in turn, allows the narrative and the characters on screen to resonate with the viewer in a way clinical documents couldn’t achieve on their own. Click here to view the full success story. 

What makes this video effective:

  • Storytelling makes the video feel real and relatable 
  • Pop-up visuals coincide with the narrative
  • Usage of “voice actors” furthers the realness of the story   

05 Crown Commercial Service – L&D Team Update  

Crown Commercial Service’s L&D team used the power of video to encourage, inform, and update employees. With humor, color, and background music, this video is an effective way to connect employees to the L&D team’s efforts, make sure they are aware of the various initiatives available to them, and set expectations for what’s yet to come. 

This is a great example showing you don’t always need a full production (or even narration) to deliver a fun and effective video. By knowing your audience and content goals, you can deliver meaningful, bite-sized content your audience will find valuable. Click here to view the full success story.    

What makes this video effective:

  • Mindfully placed humor throughout the video (ideal the audience and their situation)!
  • Lively music brings sensations of encouragement and camaraderie  
  • Diverse characters reflect audience and thus humanizes video    

06 Allianz – Ethics 

Allianz Group uses video to inform new hires on the professional expectations as an Allianz employee. This video serves as a helpful, on-brand introduction to the company’s code of conduct. 

Differing from the above-listed videos on the list, Allianz uses stock video, a voiceover, pop-up text, and visuals to detail the code of conduct for employees and managers alike. This approach in video design is ideal given the subject matter, serving as a fitting and appropriate example to addressing ethics in their workforce.      

What makes this video effective:

  • Choice of stock video is ideal for video’s subject manner and brand
  • Pop-up text used to further enhance key takeaways 
  • Subtle usage of a melody livens the tonality of video

07 Lockheed Martin Space – Buddy Training Program  

Lockheed Martin Space leverages peer-to-peer learning to onboard new hires. During a buddy boot camp, new employees are assigned a “buddy” as an informal source for information and knowledge sharing, giving new hires the confidence to fully onboard onto the team. 

While the video is simple, it uses all the elements needed to fully execute its goal of fostering a workplace centered around peer-to-peer learning: visual elements, on-screen text, as well as custom characters that reflect their team’s diversity. By incorporating the buddy boot camp into their onboarding process, managers have been able to streamline their onboarding and training for over 1000 new hires— training 170 new hires each month with a 99% satisfaction rate. Click here to view the full success story.  

What makes this video effective:

  • Message is relevant and valuable to audience 
  • Uses clear on-screen text and pop-ups
  • Video remains short despite being rich in content

08 EmployBridge – Safe Return to Work 

EmployBridge’s video is a great example of video content centered around the purpose of informing employees of company-wide policies. Why send bland company-wide emails when you can create quick, bite-sized clips that update employees and keep them informed on policy changes?

EmployBridge does just that by using custom characters, text, and scenes to inform the employees of new policies concerning COVID-19. Using this approach, not only does it inform employees, but it also adds an extra hint of personability to the message, even exciting employees on their return to work. 

What makes this video effective:

  • On-screen graphics and icons directly correspond to message
  • Uses settings that reflect the work environment of employees 
  • Upbeat music is a great inclusion given the subject manner (COVID-19)   

09 Foot Locker – DIB Ally Training

Knowing your employees and how to appeal to them is absolutely vital when making good video content. It’s clear that Foot Locker has a core understanding of its employees as this notion is realized in the form of Foot Locker’s DIB Ally Training video. 

From the incorporation of their branding to the inclusion of diverse characters, video format, editing, and the overall message of being an ally, Foot Locker effectively engages its new hires and proactively informs its youth employees on the company’s culture and its principles of inclusivity. Click here to view the full success story here.

What makes this video effective:

  • Has a clear, relevant, and valuable message to audience 
  • Showcases the Foot Locker brand through the characters, visuals, and design 
  • Shot in the vertical video format their younger audience is most familiar with 

10 Southern Water – Digital Transformation 

Using video to inform employees of the company’s achievements is a superb means to celebrate the milestones of the company, but most importantly the employees. Southern Water’s video does exactly that— it informs employees on their successful company-wide transformation.

Video adds that extra flare of personability to company announcements, increasing the potential to excite, motivate, and engage employees across the board. What’s most effective about this video is the addition of team members explaining the on-screen material in more detail, better enhancing the viewer’s retention of the information presented within the video. Ideal for e-learning! Click here to view the full success story here.

What makes this video effective:

  • Uses mix of narrators in throughout video to carry narrative along 
  • Has relevant and valuable message
  • Uses clear on-screen text and infographics 

Level up your L&D strategy with video

Curious to learn more ways to level up your company’s L&D video strategy? Join us at DevLearn Conference Las Vegas to gain more insights into how to build an effective video strategy. And for the meantime, download our free detailed guide on 5 winning practices for L&D teams. 

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Diversity & Inclusion: The Unfiltered Truth About your HR Communication Tue, 23 Feb 2021 13:30:52 +0000 I want you to picture the following scenario – the visualization part is important.  Imagine you’re late to an exclusive, 5-star restaurant opening. You rush to the restaurant. You make it through the crowds of people, you get to the restaurant...

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Read Time: 5 minutes

I want you to picture the following scenario – the visualization part is important. 

Imagine you’re late to an exclusive, 5-star restaurant opening. You rush to the restaurant. You make it through the crowds of people, you get to the restaurant entrance. And just as they’re about to shut the restaurant’s doors, the General Manager steps outside to welcome you in. 

You enter the restaurant and have the best meal of your life. At the table beside you is a happily married couple that makes you feel slightly envious. Meanwhile, a famous speaker is about to take the stage to speak – a CEO of one of the world’s hottest tech startups. 

In your mental image, what race was the general manager? Was the married couple gay or straight? How old, and what gender was the CEO? 

The images that first come to us are often riddled with ‘unconscious bias.’ We might be immediately sure the restaurant manager is white, that the couple is straight, or that the CEO is a man. No matter how much we love the idea of diversity and inclusion (D&I), when immediately confronted with such scenarios, our brain will create mental images of what it’s familiar with.  

As a senior or Head of HR, I’m sure you’re well familiar with the concept of “Unconscious Bias”. The question is, how is this unconscious bias being reflected in your HR communication? And what can you do to outsmart your own biases and make a bigger effort to foster a more inclusive company culture? Keep reading.
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The Millennial & Gen Z Perspective on Diversity & Inclusion 

In an increasingly hybrid workforce, addressing unconscious bias and building a truly inclusive workplace is more important than ever before. 

Starting with Millennials – by 2025, this generation will account for as much as 75% of the workforce. While Baby Boomer and Gen X employees generally view D&I as a representation of fairness and a diversity of demographics, Millennials view D&I as the blending of different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives within a team, also known as cognitive diversity. 

In other words, Millennials are more interested in the willingness of a company to embrace a diversity of ideas and perspectives while recognizing that such diversity yields a more engaged and productive culture. Unlike previous generations, for Millennials, the subjective factors of an “open and inclusive culture” is more important than the hardcore stats. 

Then comes Gen Z. The generation that has swiftly entered the workforce and will soon overtake Millennials as the largest generation. Having grown up with a smartphone at their fingertips, they value individual expressions and are deeply passionate about diversity and inclusion. 

In the US alone, Gen Z is more racially and ethnic diverse than previous generations. According to a Pew Research (2020), one-in-four Gen Zers is Hispanic, 14 percent are Black, six percent are Asian and five percent are some other race or two or more races. 

Therefore, the Gen Z perspective on D&I is much broader, spanning diversity of experiences, identities, ideas, and opinions. They also refuse to turn ethnicity and race into a checkbox on a survey form. For the Gen Z employees, a company culture that lacks diversity and inclusion values and initiatives  will sharply stick out more.

For the most part, Gen Zers and Millennials share similar views on D&I. However, the subtle differences can have a profound effect on your HR communication and the way it makes them perceive your culture and their sense of belonging. 

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How To Outsmart Your Own Unconscious Bias  

Understanding the assumptions that we make and the errors that we make in our day-to-day communication is the first step. 

The more you become aware of this unconscious bias, the more you can try to eliminate these potential biases, make better decisions, and broaden your HR communication.  

In a more practical sense, when you’re creating an HR presentation, video, poster, webinar, or whatever visual medium you may be using, you’re subconsciously making decisions about the type of employees you’re trying to present – what they look like, what clothes they’re wearing, what height and shape they are. 

Staying objective is hard. 

Is Your Existing HR Communication Inclusive? 

So next time you prepare an onboarding presentation, a recruitment post, or any piece of visual content, consider these questions: 

  • Who’s in my team and departments? 
  • How would somebody in my company perceive this material? 
  • Will the visuals make employees feel seen and represented at the company?
  • Do these visuals tell the story of my diverse company culture?
  • How many types of cultural and ethnical groups are being represented? 

Answering these questions will help broaden your perspective as to who this presentation, video, or visual medium is addressing. I promise you, that the end product will be much more meaningful and authentic.  

Making Sure Your HR Communication is Visually Inclusive

Inclusivity is not always felt by hard numbers on a paper. Sometimes it’s what you can see and visualize. As more and more companies shift to hybrid environments, visual communication plays a central role in conveying your cultural narrative of D&I.

Through the visual materials that your HR team creates, you can do a lot to help foster a more inclusive culture and address representation gaps. While Clipart and PowerPoint can be convenient tools, if you want to reflect your company’s diversity, then your HR team should be creating videos.

Video will have a more significant emotional impact on your employees, providing additional room to express and visualize your culture. In doing so, they help tackle stereotypes and address unconscious biases. 

Check out these two examples: 


In all examples, we see custom characters being used to embrace the different employees across cultures, ethnicities, ages, and gender. 

So what exactly are custom characters?

Characters to Promote Diversity & Inclusion

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Custom characters are animated characters whose features can be set to match… well, whatever you’d like them to! That means fine tuning skin tone, face shape, hairstyle, clothes, height, accessories, and more.

With Powtoon’s Visual Communication Platform, your HR team can very easily create characters and include them in videos and presentations without the hefty price tag of a creative agency. They can make as many characters as they like, in the way that reflects their people and brand. 

Let’s say you need to prepare an onboarding program, a company update, a recruitment video, or a meeting recap, creating custom characters offers a great way to show off company culture as well as the colorfulness of your team. 

Not only will custom characters help build a more inclusive workplace, but they can also spice up your videos and add personality to a somewhat dry or uncomfortable topic like in this example on breast screening created by Anthem Insurance:


Diverse characters and videos are not just about picking great designs. It’s about making sure your HR communication makes employees feel comfortable, welcome, and more engaged. 

These visual cues and nuances can have an immense, positive impact on your employees. The characters look like them, dress like them, and act like them. Suddenly, employees feel that your message is addressing them directly and is more likely to be consumed and applied in their day-to-day work. 

To learn more about how your HR team can build a more inclusive and engaged company culture with Powtoon, visit this page

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What Is a Visual Communication Platform Mon, 18 Jan 2021 18:26:36 +0000 A visual communication platform (VCP) is an end-to-end software solution designed to drive productivity by enabling teams to be more focused, aligned, and engaged through impactful visual communication.  Built for teams of all sizes, a VCP makes videos and visual...

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Read Time: 6 minutes

A visual communication platform (VCP) is an end-to-end software solution designed to drive productivity by enabling teams to be more focused, aligned, and engaged through impactful visual communication

Built for teams of all sizes, a VCP makes videos and visual content easy to create, flexible to manage, quick to distribute, and simple to measure. In practice, this means that teams can deliver effective initiatives and programs for employee training, internal onboarding, change management, sales enablement, customer experience, and beyond. 

Moreover, a VCP enables any team member, no matter his or her skill set, to transform complex and scattered information — be it a presentation, spreadsheet, email, or report — into an engaging animated presentation, whiteboard tutorial, screen recording, infographic video, or even a face-to-camera video.  

In essence, a VCP becomes a collaborative workspace within an organization. It puts simple content creation tools at employees’ fingertips, aligns distributed teams with contextual information, and it gives managers full insights into the success of their communication efforts.  

How Are VCPs Driving Organizational Productivity?

There’s a problem with the way teams communicate, whether top-down or bottom-up, team communication relies on text-heavy messages and multi-channel chaos. 

Think about it — the average employee receives as many as 120 emails each day. In addition, they have to jump on multiple video calls a day, respond in group chats, reply to text messages, and answer phone calls. This communication overload results in important information being unclear, forgotten, or ignored. 

And the truth is, remote work isn’t going anywhere. According to Mickensey’s report, The Future of Work in America, 38% of corporate executives across all sectors said they expect their employees to work two or more days a week remotely after COVID-19.

So if that’s the case, why do employees have to jump between endless hoops of communication channels to get their message across, work cross-functionally, and get their work done? 

Here’s how company communication works these days: 

Visual communication platforms emerged to help organizations increase productivity through a clear and visual flow of information: 

1. Build an engaging culture

From HR to IT, from junior to executive, enable everyone to easily create videos and visual content that get their point across in a clearer and more contextual way. Transform long emails into visual reports, PowerPoints into animated explainer videos, PDF manuals into whiteboard tutorials, and email summaries into short video messages. 

2. Align teams faster

Whether your employees are sitting in California or Tokyo, provide a single visual workspace for everyone to access company materials in seconds, work asynchronously on projects, edit videos together, and stay informed on all important updates. 

3. Gain complete visibility

Gain accurate, real-time insights that show managers exactly which visual communication efforts work and which don’t so they can constantly improve the way they motivate, develop, and train employees. 

What Are the Core Capabilities of a VCP? 

Implementing a visual communication platform is the fastest way to help company-wide employees and executives build engaging conversations, gain clarity in their work, and drive deeper alignment. 

A VCP houses the following capabilities under one roof: 

1. Easy, Scalable Content Creation

A VCP provides an extensive library of tools and templates to empower different teams, such as Internal Comms, L&D, HR, and Sales, to transform any complex idea, process, or project into a short and compelling visual resource. This visual resource can be anything from an animated explainer, a whiteboard tutorial, a promotional video, a screen recording, or even a face-to-camera video.  

2. Brand Management

A visual communication platform provides effortless brand management capabilities, allowing individuals and teams to upload their brand fonts, create branded templates, save company media, and lock specific assets to save time and ensure brand consistency.

3. Centralized Visual Workspace

A VCP makes content discovery quick, easy, and extremely visual for employees, ensuring that information is always readily available. It provides companies with an internal content hub where distributed employees can quickly discover company updates, search for internal videos, and start conversations around visual communication. Users can also create playlists in order to save and organize resources by specific topics, projects, and departments.

4. Team Collaboration

A visual communication platform provides effortless brand management capabilities, allowing individuals and teams to upload their brand fonts, create branded templates, save company media, and lock specific assets to save time and ensure brand consistency.

5. Multi-Channel Distribution

Today’s employees want to be able to consume company content when they want, where they want. With one click, a visual communication platform enables team managers to quickly and effortlessly download content in various formats, share it on social media and work channels, as well as publish their visual content on their website and landing pages – without leaving the platform.  

6. Engagement Analytics

Powered with rich engagement analytics, a visual communication platform reveals how employees engage and respond to visual resources, such as training, onboarding, and compliance videos. In essence, a VCP gives employees a voice in shaping the company’s culture, guiding managers to create better materials, and helping to bridge knowledge gaps. 

7. Security and Governance

Depending on someone’s role in organization or institute, a visual communication platform includes permission-setting and security features to moderate who can view, update, enter, and access data to and from the platform. Teams can get the most out of their VCP while staying compliant and aligned with organizational standards.

Who Is a VCP Built For?

A visual communication platform is ideal for teams of all sizes. It’s flexible and simple enough to help any user in the organization communicate more effectively with their team, management, clients, and prospects:

Executive Leadership

  • Foster transparency with authentic face-to-camera videos for employees and customers 
  • Highlight company wins and motivate your workforce with compelling explainer videos 
  • Cut down on meeting time and opt for videos to relay information fast and effectively


  • Attract top talent on social media with branded videos that highlight your culture
  • Delight new employees with animated or whiteboard videos that reduce information overload 
  • Build brand-proof videos that can easily be customized per location and language 
  • Amplify company updates and announcements with authentic face-to-camera videos 
  • Build an inclusive culture with customizable, animated characters that truly represent your people — from age, to race, and gender 
  • Boost employee commitment and morale by giving them simple creation tools to express themselves through videos 

Learning & Development

  • Create effective, customizable videos fast for personalized training, no matter the role
  • Increase training attendance rate with video invites that get employees excited  
  • Design microlearning or courses that are fun and relay information in a visual way
  • Equip employees with simple video creation tools to share skills and innovative ideas with the rest of the company
  • Guide employees through upcoming changes with authentic face-to-camera videos
  • Easily plug into your existing tools like Kaltura, Google Drive, LMS or LXP

Internal Communications

  • Foster employee commitment by sharing video messages that give plenty of contexts
  • Align across departments by sharing video recaps that highlight big or small wins 
  • Show recognition to superstar teams or employees with video shoutouts
  • Get employees psyched with videos for all-hands meetings, hackathons, and happy hours
  • Promote policies or guidelines with characters that you can easily customize and animate 


  • Create sales videos at scale while tailoring them to different industries and prospects 
  • Include short video messages in your prospecting emails to achieve higher response rates
  • Simplify complex topics using animated, whiteboard, and face-to-camera videos  
  • Follow up with leads by offering video recaps of key meeting takeaways
  • Transform monthly Excel reports into video infographics that truly showcase your success
  • Easily record product demos that personally address the prospect’s concerns 

IT, Security, and Procurement

  • Cut the number of support tickets by creating short video tutorials for IT FAQs
  • Create compliance training videos that are engaging and fully aligned with your brand
  • Roll out new software with explainer videos instead of text-heavy emails
  • Deliver security best practices and regulation updates with fun video infographics


  • Easily create videos and visual content at scale while sticking to brand guidelines
  • Grab attention in the first 15 seconds with video ads tailored to every channel and format
  • Catch hot, new leads with professional face-to-camera and video infographics 
  • Showcase your product or solution with explainer videos in any style  
  • Share snackable social media videos for your followers to engage with along their journey 
  • Sell your strategy and results to leadership using impressive video reports 

Customer Support & Success

  • Relay relevant information to customers with clear product walkthroughs and tutorials 
  • Clear up confusion and resolve customer issues with video messages, at scale 
  • Keep customers paying attention, every step of the way with GIFs and animated videos
  • Build a strong bond between the user and the company with fully-branded visual content 

Power Productivity Across your Enterprise with Powtoon 

Built with insights from over 30 million users and virtually all Fortune 500 companies, Powtoon’s all-in-one visual communication platform empowers individuals, teams, and enterprises to transform complex and scattered information into powerful videos and visual content with a professional look and feel. 

Powtoon’s collaborative platform makes visual communication easy to create, simple to manage, and quick to distribute. With hundreds of inspirational templates, branded characters, and millions of royalty-free footage, images, and music, Powtoon lets you easily create videos in every style and format — animated explainers, whiteboard tutorials, promotional videos, screen recordings, video infographics, face-to-camera videos, and beyond! 

Speak to a communication expert today to learn how a visual communication platform can help your team be more focused, engaged, and aligned. 

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Best Video Messaging Tools for Teams: What to Look For? Tue, 01 Dec 2020 10:16:45 +0000 We’ve all been there — trying to explain a complex topic on a virtual call, having to repeat yourself over and over again, and all that “can you see my screen?” Let’s face it, remote communication can be tedious, not...

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Read Time: 5 minutes

We’ve all been there — trying to explain a complex topic on a virtual call, having to repeat yourself over and over again, and all that “can you see my screen?”

Let’s face it, remote communication can be tedious, not to mention, time-consuming. 

Video messaging tools help bridge the gap, allowing teams of all sizes to capture what they want to say in a much more productive, effective, and visual way. 

Currently, there are several video messaging tools available on the market, which vary in features such as recording length, video editing capabilities, sharing options, etc. This article provides a complete overview of what video messaging tools are, how different teams are harnessing them, and which features to look for. 

What is Video Messaging? 

For global or distributed teams, video messaging makes it easier to communicate and collaborate asynchronously. 

Imagine — instead of crafting another long email or trying to find a timeslot for everyone to meet, you can simply record what’s happening on your screen, including the movement of your cursor, to deliver instructions, demo a product, present results, and transfer knowledge quickly and effectively.   

Technically speaking, a video messaging tool or “screen recorder” comes in the form of a Chrome extension or desktop application, which allows you to record your screen, webcam, or both. Once you’re done recording, you can then share this “video message” with your audience via email or group chat. 

In most cases, video messaging tools also give you a centralized library or workspace where you can save, organize, and access all of your video messages at once. 

How are Different Teams Using Video Messaging? 

No matter what role you’re in, video messaging can simplify your everyday tasks. Here are just a few examples of how different teams are harnessing this awesome visual format: 


Video messages allow sales teams to connect with prospects on a more personal level. Instead of writing another dry email, SDRs and AEs can express their sales pitch through their voice, screen, and face — just as they would in person.   

Customer Support

Making customers happy often boils down to giving timely and valuable responses. Support and success teams are using video messages to deliver smoother onboarding, respond to support tickets, and direct users to exactly what they’re looking for on a given website or product


Video production is a costly undertaking. A video messaging tool offers marketers an effective yet inexpensive method for demoing a product, revealing a new website, and engaging with audiences on social media.

Learning & Development

Upskilling and reskilling employees can be time consuming — especially the content creation part. L&D teams are using video messages to create reusable content like how-to’s, software walkthroughs, and tutorials to facilitate faster learning experiences. 


A lot of meaning gets lost within written text. With video messaging, HR teams are building more engaging conversations — whether they present company-wide changes, preview their employer brand, or showcase open positions on their company website. 


Reading long, technical documents and presentations causes many employees to tune out. Video messages provide a great alternative for IT managers who want to visually demonstrate new tools, deliver security best-practices, and answer common IT questions. 


The challenge with design feedback is that it doesn’t always translate successfully through text. Video messages are extremely effective in that they allow teams and clients to provide clear instructions and comments to designers. 

What Makes for a Great Video Messaging Tool? 

A quick Google search will bring up numerous video messaging tools, ranging from free to paid. The question is: which tool should you pick? And what features are critical for your team? 

For starters, most video messaging tools on the market are built for individual users, not teams. 

Those that are built for teams place major limitations on their free version, leaving you with basic screen recording features, restricted sharing options, and zero video editing capabilities.

In the table below, you will find a clear break down of all the free features currently made available by leading video messaging tools, including our very own, Powtoon Capture:

Let’s face it, remote communication can be tedious, not to mention, time-consuming. 

Video messaging tools help bridge the gap, allowing teams of all sizes to capture what they want to say in a much more productive, effective, and visual way. 

Currently, there are several video messaging tools available on the market, which vary in features such as recording length, video editing capabilities, sharing options, etc. This article provides a complete overview of what video messaging tools are, how different teams are harnessing them, and which features to look for. 

Go Beyond Video Messaging with Powtoon Capture 

Unlike other video messaging tools that restrict free functionalities, Powtoon Capture gives your team the freedom and flexibility to go beyond screen recording. And the best part is, all these features are completely free: 

1. Edit & Enhance your Video Message

Done recording your video message? With Capture, you can level it up by adding animation, background music, CTAs, sound effects, text, and more — directly within the Powtoon Studio.

2. Align your Brand Voice

Whether you’re creating a video message for employees, clients, or prospects, keeping it on brand is key. Capture allows you to add your company logo, custom characters, and any other brand elements. 

3. Customize your Video Frame

Most video messaging tools provide a single camera frame style — be it a circle or a rectangle. Wouldn’t it be great if you could customize your frame style and sizes for a more personal look? With Powtoon Capture, you get to choose from three unique frame styles and three different sizes.

4. Enjoy Unlimited Sharing Options

Getting a shareable link is great. But being able to download your video, embed it on your website, and share it directly to social media and work channels with just one click — now that’s a true time-saver!

Start Video Messaging like a Pro! 

Powtoon Capture is available now on Google Chrome store.  All you need to do is visit the Chrome Web Store and add the Powtoon Capture extension.

The post Best Video Messaging Tools for Teams: What to Look For? appeared first on Powtoon Blog.

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